Directed by Donald Rayne Mitchell and co-produced by Gloria Lewis, HILLEMAN – A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children, tells the inspiring story of Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman, a man with a singular, unwavering focus — to eliminate the diseases of children. From his poverty-stricken youth on the plains of Montana, he came to prevent pandemic flu, invent the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, and develop the first-ever vaccine against human cancer. Through exclusive interviews with Dr. Hilleman and his peers, rare archival footage, and 3-D animations, the film puts a human face to vaccine science, revealing the character that drove this bold, complex, and heroic man.
How to view the film
HILLEMAN is available in a variety of formats for use in personal and public venues.
DVD or Blu-ray – HILLEMAN is available in DVD or Blu-ray format.
- Subtitles on DVD: English (US), Spanish and Romanian (no subtitling on Blu-ray format)
- Nine animations also included on each disc
- $10 plus shipping per disc
Streaming – HILLEMAN is available to stream.
- Subtitles included with the streaming format: English (US), Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), and Romanian
- Rent ($2.99) or purchase ($9.99)
Subscription services – The English version of HILLEMAN is available on the subscription streaming platform, Kanopy.
Screening Licenses
License type and screening fees are based on several factors, such as the number of times you plan to show the film, anticipated audience size and venue, and desired format.
Public Performance Rights License (PPR) – This license gives you the legal right to show the film publicly and provides you with a copy of the film in a format that works with your audio/visual setup.
Digital Site License (DSL) – This license permits a client to host and stream the licensed content on a password protected server. DSLs do not cover any public performance screenings, but they do include classroom use and internal institutional or organizational screenings.
If you are interested in coordinating a public or private screening of the film, licensing the film, or have related questions, please visit our contact page so that we can assist you.